One Hundred Hellos - Blog

CJK - I18N - 22 June 2006

Get some chinese text - google china
pick a language code (zh)
zh-tw Chinese (Taiwan)
zh-cn Chinese (PRC)
zh-hk Chinese (Hong Kong SAR)
zh-sg Chinese (Singapore)

Use google language
tools : Chinese -> 中国 -> China
tranlate big resource file:
for i in ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/action.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/bluebox.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/calendar.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/dialog.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/error.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/fsm.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/menu.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/message.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/misc.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/search.xml ./heads/btna/conf/internationalization/action.xml ./heads/btna/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/btna/conf/internationalization/error.xml ./heads/btna/conf/internationalization/ncrcodes.xml ./heads/btna/conf/internationalization/report.xml ./heads/bwsc/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/bwsc-linden/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/cascades/conf/internationalization/menu.xml ./heads/cascades/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/cascades/conf/internationalization/message.xml ./heads/cascades/conf/internationalization/misc.xml ./heads/cascades/conf/internationalization/search.xml ./heads/r142/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/r160/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/unique/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/viau/conf/internationalization/bluebox.xml ./heads/viau/conf/internationalization/fsm.xml; do echo ""; grep -v "" $i; echo ""; done

Use unique database/head on branch_2006-06-20_daniel_utf8_devel

-translate ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization by adding : 中国 suffix/prefix whith a style sheet. i18n-zh.xsl
-modify localization.xsl to produce zh, unicode escaped properties files...

Apply a global servlet filter to change default encoding type...

Change database encoding to utf-8 (mysql4) try users table first.

-- What I've learned: from static page experiments
The browser detection seems to hinge on the jsp directive:
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>

which affects the http Content-Type header:
Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
whereas the default is
Content-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1

The html/head/meta/@content doesn't seem to affect the browser charset selection:
<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type">
when the content type is set in the http response header, which is always the case with jsp pages.
You can observe the headers with:
wget -S -O - http://boole:8080/unique/china-UTF-8.jsp
Get some chinese text - google china
pick a language code (zh)
zh-tw Chinese (Taiwan)
zh-cn Chinese (PRC)
zh-hk Chinese (Hong Kong SAR)
zh-sg Chinese (Singapore)

Use google language tools : Chinese -> 中国 -> China
tranlate big resource file:
for i in ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/action.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/bluebox.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/calendar.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/dialog.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/error.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/fsm.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/menu.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/message.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/misc.xml ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization/search.xml ./heads/btna/conf/internationalization/action.xml ./heads/btna/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/btna/conf/internationalization/error.xml ./heads/btna/conf/internationalization/ncrcodes.xml ./heads/btna/conf/internationalization/report.xml ./heads/bwsc/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/bwsc-linden/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/cascades/conf/internationalization/menu.xml ./heads/cascades/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/cascades/conf/internationalization/message.xml ./heads/cascades/conf/internationalization/misc.xml ./heads/cascades/conf/internationalization/search.xml ./heads/r142/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/r160/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/unique/conf/internationalization/db.xml ./heads/viau/conf/internationalization/bluebox.xml ./heads/viau/conf/internationalization/fsm.xml; do echo ""; grep -v "" $i; echo ""; done

Use unique database/head on branch_2006-06-20_daniel_utf8_devel

-translate ./heads/aviso-core/conf/internationalization by adding : 中国 suffix/prefix whith a style sheet. i18n-zh.xsl
-modify localization.xsl to produce zh, unicode escaped properties files...

Apply a global servlet filter to change default encoding type...

Change database encoding to utf-8 (mysql4) try users table first.

-- What I've learned: from static page experiments
The browser detection seems to hinge on the jsp directive:
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>

which affects the http Content-Type header:
Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
whereas the default is
Content-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1

The html/head/meta/@content doesn't seem to affect the browser charset selection:
<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type">
when the content type is set in the http response header, which is always the case with jsp pages.
You can observe the headers with:
wget -S -O - http://boole:8080/unique/china-UTF-8.jsp

Openvpn - Openwrt - 25 April 2006

-backup /etc/openvpn on abel and boole
-compare example tls conf for 2.0 vs 1.5
-openvpn-2.0.5 between abel and goedel
-openvpn between dl-openwrt and goedel
-openvpn between dl-openwrt and rd-openwrt
-backup /etc/openvpn on abel and boole
-compare example tls conf for 2.0 vs 1.5
-openvpn-2.0.5 between abel and goedel
-openvpn between dl-openwrt and goedel
-openvpn between dl-openwrt and rd-openwrt

Architects - 09 April 2006

Philip Johnson - Pritzker 1979
-Glass House, New Canaan, CT.
-Bell Tower, Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove Community Church, California

Ieoh Ming Pei - Pritzker 1983
-Grand Louvre, Paris, France
-The Bank of China, Hong Kong
-Meyerson Symphony Center, Dallas, Texas

Frank Gehry - Pritzker 1989
-Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain
-Dancing House or Ginger and Fred

Renzo Piano - Pritzker 1998
-Centre George Pompidou, Paris France
-The Beyeler Foundation Museum Basel, Switzerland
-Kansai Air Terminal, Osaka Bay, Japan

Oscar Niemeyer - Pritzker 1988
Brasilia Cathedral

Rem Koolhaas - Pritzker 2000
Seattle Central Library (2004)
Louis I. Kahn
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Le Corbusier

Jože Plečnik
-Church of the Sacred Heart. Prague, (1922-1933)
-Prague Castle (various projects). Prague. (1920-1934)
Philip Johnson - Pritzker 1979
-Glass House, New Canaan, CT.
-Bell Tower, Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove Community Church, California

Ieoh Ming Pei - Pritzker 1983
-Grand Louvre, Paris, France
-The Bank of China, Hong Kong
-Meyerson Symphony Center, Dallas, Texas

Frank Gehry - Pritzker 1989
-Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain
-Dancing House or Ginger and Fred

Renzo Piano - Pritzker 1998
-Centre George Pompidou, Paris France
-The Beyeler Foundation Museum Basel, Switzerland
-Kansai Air Terminal, Osaka Bay, Japan

Oscar Niemeyer - Pritzker 1988
Brasilia Cathedral

Rem Koolhaas - Pritzker 2000
Seattle Central Library (2004)
Louis I. Kahn
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Le Corbusier

Jože Plečnik
-Church of the Sacred Heart. Prague, (1922-1933)
-Prague Castle (various projects). Prague. (1920-1934)

mp3 cover art and tagger - 28 March 2006

Linux & Windows Tagger

Cover Art:
Gotcha covered is for windows,

but for linux

[root@abel mp3]# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Image::Info SOAP::Lite

[daniel@abel media]$ tar xzvf amazon_image-1.5.4.tar.gz
[daniel@abel media]$ cd amazon_image-1.5.4
daniel@abel media]$ ./ -p /usr/local/slimserver/ -m /archive/media/mp3/ -i FOlder.jpg
Beyond media wants that name !
Linux & Windows Tagger

Cover Art:
Gotcha covered is for windows,

but for linux

[root@abel mp3]# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Image::Info SOAP::Lite

[daniel@abel media]$ tar xzvf amazon_image-1.5.4.tar.gz
[daniel@abel media]$ cd amazon_image-1.5.4
daniel@abel media]$ ./ -p /usr/local/slimserver/ -m /archive/media/mp3/ -i FOlder.jpg
Beyond media wants that name !

Zabbix re-born - 22 March 2006

Put zabbix back on its feet.
-reduce the frequency of polled data
down to 5 minutes ( 15 would break slave rule. )
-add new hosts
viau, wdel, unique (btna)

check history table on zabbix database on rack3:

select, count(*) as num from history h left join items i on i.itemid=h.itemid left join hosts m on i.hostid=m.hostid where h.clock>unix_timestamp(now() - INTERVAL 10 minute) group by m.hostid;

new infrastructure heatbeat.
Put zabbix back on its feet.
-reduce the frequency of polled data
down to 5 minutes ( 15 would break slave rule. )
-add new hosts
viau, wdel, unique (btna)

check history table on zabbix database on rack3:

select, count(*) as num from history h left join items i on i.itemid=h.itemid left join hosts m on i.hostid=m.hostid where h.clock>unix_timestamp(now() - INTERVAL 10 minute) group by m.hostid;

new infrastructure heatbeat.

Oracle over VMWare - 20 February 2006

Baseline test
Restore btna-20051220 oracle -> mysql
opteron , disabled keys:
pump: 16275s
+ EVENT: dumped 31842812 records at rate 3375.422 rec/s. (9433.728s.)
+ MATERIAL: dumped 2827883 records at rate 2610.8193 rec/s. (1083.14s.)
+ MATMASTER: dumped 56497 records at rate 997.44006 rec/s. (56.642s.)
+ TASK: dumped 7848729 records at rate 1521.2045 rec/s. (5159.549s.)
enable keys: 3960s
mysqldump --opt: 917s
bzip2: 5258s
Baseline test
Restore btna-20051220 oracle -> mysql
opteron , disabled keys:
pump: 16275s
+ EVENT: dumped 31842812 records at rate 3375.422 rec/s. (9433.728s.)
+ MATERIAL: dumped 2827883 records at rate 2610.8193 rec/s. (1083.14s.)
+ MATMASTER: dumped 56497 records at rate 997.44006 rec/s. (56.642s.)
+ TASK: dumped 7848729 records at rate 1521.2045 rec/s. (5159.549s.)
enable keys: 3960s
mysqldump --opt: 917s
bzip2: 5258s

Lascala Install - Round3 - 03 February 2006

Lascala Motherborad was swapped and returned on 2006-02-17
Was delivered with a different set of drivers: These do not seem
to be the MCE specific drivers, but they work...
Took Snapshot at 2006-02-17 22:39 - Round31AfterMoboSwap

For testing -
Restored Round2 Snapshot3, which froze after 7 hours
Restored that Round31-AfterMoboSwap Image, which ran without incident for 35 hours;
well acutally, the image froze once, but btv, was not even frozen.

So this is the driver picture as delivered after Mobo swap:
-Catalyst 1.2.2217.17271
-.NET 1.1.4322,2032
-Realtek AC'97 Audio
-MSI Radeon Xpress 200 -
-Hauppage WinTV PVR PCI II (23xx) (Tuner 1&2) -

-ATI Radeo Xpress 200 Crossfire Display Adpater 8.17-050813a1-026236C
-Hauppage WinTV PVR PCI II (23xx) (Tuner 1&2) -

-=-= Round 3 Snapshot 2 =-=-
Auto-login (run...:control userpasswords2
Screen-saver off
Disable Media Center Services Automatic start
Install Snapstream FF-1.2, BeyondTV-4.1, BeyondMedia-111- AutoStart
Atomic clock - auto-start

When we are done with baremetal restores...
Media - daniel/mp3/photo/clips/divx TA01-113
ITunes - For ripping

-=-= Round2 - Before Mobo swap =-=-
Restore as Delivered 2006-01-20 with WinXP-MCE 2005
Note current versions
-Catalyst 1.2.2051.42447
-ATI Radeo Xpress 200 Crossfire Display Adpater 8.17-050813a1-026236C
-.NET Framework 1.1.4322
-Realtek AC'97 Audio 5.13
-Hauppage WinTV PVR PCI II (23xx) (Tuner 1&2) -

-=-= Snapshot 2 =-=-
Auto-login (run...:control userpasswords2
Screen-saver off
Disable Media Center Services Automatic start
Hauppauge -
ATI > Windows Media Center Edition > Motherboards with ATI Graphics >
- 6-1-igp_xp-2k_dd_ccc_wdm_sb_gart_enu_29602.exe
-- with Display Driver, Catalyst, SouthBridge Gart
-MSI Radeon Xpress 200 -
-Catalyst 1.2.2195.38647
-Hauppage WinTV PVR PCI II (23xx) (Tuner 1&2) -

-=-= Snapshot 3 =-=-
Windows Updates
-.NET 1.1 Service Pack 1
-Optional Windows MCE Update
Install Snapstream FF-1.2, BeyondTV-4.1, BeyondMedia-111- AutoStart

-=-= Snapshot n =-=-
Atomic clock - auto-start

When we are done with baremetal restores...
Media - daniel/mp3/photo/clips/divx TA01-113
ITunes - For ripping
Lascala Motherborad was swapped and returned on 2006-02-17
Was delivered with a different set of drivers: These do not seem
to be the MCE specific drivers, but they work...
Took Snapshot at 2006-02-17 22:39 - Round31AfterMoboSwap

For testing -
Restored Round2 Snapshot3, which froze after 7 hours
Restored that Round31-AfterMoboSwap Image, which ran without incident for 35 hours;
well acutally, the image froze once, but btv, was not even frozen.

So this is the driver picture as delivered after Mobo swap:
-Catalyst 1.2.2217.17271
-.NET 1.1.4322,2032
-Realtek AC'97 Audio
-MSI Radeon Xpress 200 -
-Hauppage WinTV PVR PCI II (23xx) (Tuner 1&2) -

-ATI Radeo Xpress 200 Crossfire Display Adpater 8.17-050813a1-026236C
-Hauppage WinTV PVR PCI II (23xx) (Tuner 1&2) -

-=-= Round 3 Snapshot 2 =-=-
Auto-login (run...:control userpasswords2
Screen-saver off
Disable Media Center Services Automatic start
Install Snapstream FF-1.2, BeyondTV-4.1, BeyondMedia-111- AutoStart
Atomic clock - auto-start

When we are done with baremetal restores...
Media - daniel/mp3/photo/clips/divx TA01-113
ITunes - For ripping

-=-= Round2 - Before Mobo swap =-=-
Restore as Delivered 2006-01-20 with WinXP-MCE 2005
Note current versions
-Catalyst 1.2.2051.42447
-ATI Radeo Xpress 200 Crossfire Display Adpater 8.17-050813a1-026236C
-.NET Framework 1.1.4322
-Realtek AC'97 Audio 5.13
-Hauppage WinTV PVR PCI II (23xx) (Tuner 1&2) -

-=-= Snapshot 2 =-=-
Auto-login (run...:control userpasswords2
Screen-saver off
Disable Media Center Services Automatic start
Hauppauge -
ATI > Windows Media Center Edition > Motherboards with ATI Graphics >
- 6-1-igp_xp-2k_dd_ccc_wdm_sb_gart_enu_29602.exe
-- with Display Driver, Catalyst, SouthBridge Gart
-MSI Radeon Xpress 200 -
-Catalyst 1.2.2195.38647
-Hauppage WinTV PVR PCI II (23xx) (Tuner 1&2) -

-=-= Snapshot 3 =-=-
Windows Updates
-.NET 1.1 Service Pack 1
-Optional Windows MCE Update
Install Snapstream FF-1.2, BeyondTV-4.1, BeyondMedia-111- AutoStart

-=-= Snapshot n =-=-
Atomic clock - auto-start

When we are done with baremetal restores...
Media - daniel/mp3/photo/clips/divx TA01-113
ITunes - For ripping

Yum refresh - Centos4.2 - 01 February 2006

install centos4.2 minimal in vmware
mount iso/CentOS-4.2-i386-bin1of4.iso
linux askmethod
nfs: /archive /archive/iso/centos4-U2-i386/

For nagios -
check yum.conf
add dag or freshrpms - to get nagois/nagois plugins
dag: dag.repo--------------------------
rpm --import
yum install nagios nagios-plugins

now do this from a mirrored dag/freshrpm ?
install centos4.2 minimal in vmware
mount iso/CentOS-4.2-i386-bin1of4.iso
linux askmethod
nfs: /archive /archive/iso/centos4-U2-i386/

For nagios -
check yum.conf
add dag or freshrpms - to get nagois/nagois plugins
dag: dag.repo--------------------------
rpm --import
yum install nagios nagios-plugins

now do this from a mirrored dag/freshrpm ?

WDEL Firefight - 01 February 2006

WDEL Setup documentation
-printers (metadata-setup)
-cron jobs (system) - keepTomcatAlive,printeralive
ports,protoclol,transport,directory (location permissions)

setup profiling scripts
check indexes - correlate with search's
-what is coprinter ?

Slave Setup
-backup taken every two hours
-backups mirrored (hq,rd)
-failover directories for cma and flex
-replicate directory structures

WDEL Setup documentation
-printers (metadata-setup)
-cron jobs (system) - keepTomcatAlive,printeralive
ports,protoclol,transport,directory (location permissions)

setup profiling scripts
check indexes - correlate with search's
-what is coprinter ?

Slave Setup
-backup taken every two hours
-backups mirrored (hq,rd)
-failover directories for cma and flex
-replicate directory structures


Infrastructure Planning - 27 January 2006

-- Investigate Zabbix alternatives
-- Monitored Monitor
-- Failsafe Messaging
-- Scalability, and administration
Shared Homes
-- NIS or LDAP
-- Fedora Directory Server
-- Mounting /home over nfs on goedel.

Mirored Archives
replicate oracle 9i install over Centos-4.2 over vmware / Xen
replicate websphere install over Centos-4.2 over vmware / Xen
combine both
free up opteron or euler for GSX install
try GSX Server and Xen

-- Shared homes with GFS
-- Shared Everything -- diskless / stateless / dhcp
-- Virtualized server over iSCSI ala vm6
-- Investigate Zabbix alternatives
-- Monitored Monitor
-- Failsafe Messaging
-- Scalability, and administration
Shared Homes
-- NIS or LDAP
-- Fedora Directory Server
-- Mounting /home over nfs on goedel.

Mirored Archives
replicate oracle 9i install over Centos-4.2 over vmware / Xen
replicate websphere install over Centos-4.2 over vmware / Xen
combine both
free up opteron or euler for GSX install
try GSX Server and Xen

-- Shared homes with GFS
-- Shared Everything -- diskless / stateless / dhcp
-- Virtualized server over iSCSI ala vm6