export EDITOR=mvim - 13 April 2011
It just may be time to learn VI(M).
$> vimtutor
or copy the file:/usr/share/vim/vim72/tutor/tutor
and mvim it.
It just may be time to learn VI(M).
$> vimtutor
or copy the file:/usr/share/vim/vim72/tutor/tutor
and mvim it.
Here we go.Here we go.
Missed a few images: fixed by hand.
had to restore goedel:/home/daniel/sulbalcon.net-daniel.tgz
into newton:/Library/WebServer/Documents/daniel[/blog]newton:blog daniel$ for i in uploaded_images/*; do echo ====================;echo $i; echo -------; grep -rl $i .; done|grep -v archive.html|grep -v atom.xml|grep -v rss.xml|sed -e s/.\\/20/http:\\/\\/localhost\\/daniel\\/blog\\/20/g|grep http|uniq -cSo these are fixed:
2 http://localhost/daniel/blog/2005/11/moire-3d-dome-pov-ray.html
6 http://localhost/daniel/blog/2006/08/galo-on-drupal-and-gallery2.html
4 http://localhost/daniel/blog/2007/10/bucky-moire-revisited-wide-169.html
newton:blog daniel$ for i in uploaded_images/*; do echo ====================;echo $i; echo -------; grep -rl $i .; done|grep -v archive.html|grep -v atom.xml|grep -v rss.xml|sed -e s/.\\/20/http:\\/\\/localhost\\/daniel\\/blog\\/20/g|grep http|uniq -cSo these are fixed:
2 http://localhost/daniel/blog/2005/11/moire-3d-dome-pov-ray.html
6 http://localhost/daniel/blog/2006/08/galo-on-drupal-and-gallery2.html
4 http://localhost/daniel/blog/2007/10/bucky-moire-revisited-wide-169.html
How I saved 27% on my Power Consumtion over the last 11 months!How I saved 27% on my Power Consumtion over the last 11 months!![]()
rpm - dpkg equivalentsrpm - dpkg equivalents
rpm -qa becomes dpkg -l
rpm -qfbecomes dpkg -S
rpm -qal becomes for i in `dpkg-query -W|awk '{print $1}'`; do dpkg -L $i; done
Sometimes when I login I get very long delay,Sometimes when I login I get very long delay,
cause is the destination server's config, two possible configs:
/etc/ssh/sshd_config in Centos, /etc/sshd_config under OSX:UseDNS no
- and/or -
GSSAPIAuthentication no
UseDNS no
- and/or -
GSSAPIAuthentication no
Relative pixel density for a given resolutionRelative pixel density for a given resolution
calculated this way:
DPI = sqrt( Wpx^2+Hpx^2 )
1680x1050@20" --> 99dpi
1600x1200@21" --> 95dpi
1680x1050@22" --> 90dpi
1920x1200@24" --> 94dpi
using google as my calculator (e.x. for 1920x1200#24")
Use the widget to have grand central call me, and the entered number.
Then #4 recording is available.
Saved my Life.Saved my Life.
Recursively take ownership of a directory
To override dns for sulbalcon.net, which does not do port forwarding when coming from the inside, simply added a line to /etc/hosts on openwrt@rdTo override dns for sulbalcon.net, which does not do port forwarding when coming from the inside, simply added a line to /etc/hosts on openwrt@rd
The point was to browse to sulbalcon.net from inside rd.sologlobe.com network
Of course the browsing host has to use openwrt as its dns...
/etc/hosts.old -> /rom/etc/hosts
/etc/hosts localhost OpenWrt sulbalcon.net www.sulbalcon.net sulbalcon
dig before
sulbalcon.net. 244 IN CNAME rd-sologlobe.dnsalias.net.
rd-sologlobe.dnsalias.net. 60 IN A
dig after
sulbalcon.net. 0 IN A